...不看攻略和看了不好的攻略的新手而言,《潜行者》的刀兵改善系统入门相称不友好——在《切尔诺贝利的阴影》(shadow of chernobyl)以及《晴空》(clear sky)这两部作品中,完成刀兵改善必要马糊应的u盘;在《普里皮亚季的呼叫》(call of pripyat)中,完成刀兵改善必...
Atthistimeofremembrance, they too deserve ourattentionandassistance, so that they will be able to move beyond the shadowof the Chernobylaccident and intoaprosperousfuture.
And together, on this important anniversary, let us resolve to dispel the last cloud ofChernobyl and offer a better future for the people who have lived too long under its shadow.