Shaft seal [机] 轴封 ; 主轴密封 ; [机] 轴密封 ; 组合油封总成
pump shaft seal 油泵轴油封
main shaft seal 主轴密封 ; 主轴密封装置
rotary shaft seal 转轴密封 ; 旋转油封 ; 旋转密封圈 ; 回转轴密封
frozen shaft seal 冻结法轴密封
propulsion shaft seal 推进轴密封
radial shaft seal 径向轴封 ; 隔圈
airtight shaft seal 气密轴封
puopulsion shaft seal 推进器轴密封
The design of AMPS reactors was presented, some noticeable problems in design and manufacture were proposed for the particular structure using the magnetic driving seal in the shaft seal.
Mechanical seal: seal face, gasket and shaft seal, etc parts must be undamaged, otherwise will result in over leakage, sure to change parts with wear and tear or damage.
Inspection of the pump shaft seal ring, such as wear parts should be replaced.