定义 中文名称:浅海养殖 英文名称:shallow sea culture 定义1:在潮下带至15m等深线以内海域进行水产经济动植物养殖的生产活动。 应用学科: 水产学(一级学科);水产养殖学(二级学科) 定义2:利用低潮线以下的
shallow sea raft culture 浅海筏式养殖
This paper analyzes the effect of Marine culture on environment including the pollution of water quality and shallow sea ecological system.
The seafood culturing reef can be placed in shallow sea and offshore area or sea area with cofferdams to realize culture of seafood by artificially releasing and naturally collecting fish fries.
将海珍礁投放入浅海近岸或围堰海域中,通过人工投放苗种或者自然采苗,实现 海珍品的增养殖。