希拉莉在俄亥俄州造势大会上,手举奥巴马的两本抨击小册子,气急败坏地说:「你真丢脸(Shame on you),奥巴马,现在是你言行一致,与向公愤O证的那样进行竞选的时候。这是我期望你应该做的。
...grade access information is provided in a separate email » 在单独的电子邮件中提供您升级访问信息 shame on you » 你真丢脸 ..
以上来源于: WordNet
"SHAME on YOU RIHANNA!" one girl wrote.
“Shame on you, baby, shame on you,” Ms.DeVoe said.
"Shame on you! Shame on you." Pamela Geller is a leader of a group that opposes the center and includes family members of victims who died in the terrorist attack in 2001.
VOA: standard.2010.08.03
Now the shame here is that she's talking about a version of the ending you see in that note on 413 in our edition.
It's deemed you have been possessed by the devil, or put out on the street, a shame to your family and really left to live very subhuman lives."
VOA: special.2010.07.28