我觉得《女子监狱》和美版《无耻之徒》(shameless)是一挂的剧,可能有 正文 《无耻之徒》第四季第11集中的fiona又惹上事了,她再一次进监狱 此外,有一个心善的狱警是《无耻之徒》的南...
很讨厌那些无耻(Shameless)的巴萨球迷 (Fan)果然会以为国米是靠着(Relying)裁判的扶助才获得了角逐不了然他们(They)是没有看竞争如故果然被巴萨美轮美奂(Be...
The Shameless 无赖汉 ; 无耻之徒
Shameless Creature 无耻的傀儡
Shameless Season 无耻之徒第一季 ; 无耻之徒 ; 第二季 ; 第三季
be shameless 寡廉鲜耻
Shameless US 无耻家庭 ; 美版
Shameless Publicity Seeker 最佳无耻的宣传寻找者 ; 寻觅者
Shameless UK 无耻之徒 ; 无耻之徒英版
Really shameless 真是不要脸
ADJ If you describe someone as shameless, you mean that they should be ashamed of their behaviour, which is unacceptable to other people. 无耻的 [表不满]
...a shameless attempt to stifle democratic debate.
shamelessly ADV 无耻地
...a shamelessly lazy week-long trip.
The activities that may have got the benefit of the doubt in the bubble years now look like shameless envelope-pushing.
The shameless admission of the stitch-up should have been a humiliating slap in the face for any self-respecting audience.
"I was surprised and angered because it's the most shameless use of a real person to make up the image of a terrorist, " Llamazares said.