1933 年1 月《哈泼》杂志转载了演讲内容,与此同 时,远在中国的《大美晚报》(Shanghai Evening Post)也全文刊登了这篇演讲 稿。法国巴黎和巴西里约热内卢的报纸对此也有过评论。
Based on the principles of scientific sampling, I use random sampling method to get 43 samples from the“i-news”mobile phone newspaper, and the corresponding“SHANGHAI MORNING POST”and“SHANGHAI EVENING POST”, which belong to Jie Fang Daily Group.
参考来源 - 手机报内容的实证研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The Shanghai Evening Post reported that over 60 percent of visitors took the subway to get to Expo Garden.
The over-the-top promotion of the shows ruined audience's appetite, and the candidates were also criticized for their lack of talent, the Shanghai Evening Post said.
上海《 新闻晚报》报道说,选秀节目的过多宣传影响了观众的兴致,而且参加选秀的选手也被批没什么真实才能。
In a commentary, the Shanghai Evening Post said: "Any incentive policy must not go counter to social equality or hurt the mass public's feelings, nor can it become a treatment for 'super citizens'."