...h tranorm ):对噪音万分不聪明锐,经常使用于从图片中提出取患上各类外形图象辨认中最基本的要领之一⑶外形上下文(shape context):将特性高维..
shape context 124 描述子中图分类号
Relative Shape Context 相对形状上下文
shape context descriptor 形状内容描述子
image shape local context descriptor 图象形状局部上下文描述符
以上来源于: WordNet
Because different users have different access modes based on the process and their role the shape can vary, based on the user's role and context.
This article mainly focuses on the work of the the HTML Working Group, but it is worth discussing each of the others to give some context as to how their work will shape the future of the Web.
本文主要讨论 HTML 工作组的研究,但是也有必要作为背景知识讨论一下其他规范,因为这些研究将造就 Web 的未来。
Its shape comes from the surrounding buildings and it fits into an existing context.