Share of Market 市场占有率 ; 市场份额 ; 占有率 ; 或依据市场占有率份额来估计
usage share of web browsers 网页浏览器的使用分布
Share of Voice 声音份额 ; 广告占有率 ; 份额 ; 比重
my share of losing 我曾经心满意足 ; 我也承受过失败 ; 我曾心满意足 ; 曾经承受失败
Share of Mind 心智占有率 ; 占有率 ; 份额 ; 头脑份额
Share of the 份内
share of profit 利润份额 ; 成本份额
share of a lot 所占地段部分
share of a business 生意股份
The party increased their share of the vote.
She inherited a share of the family fortune.
Everyone must accept their share of the blame.
In exchange for this, the owner would get a large share of the crop raised by the tenant farmer.
VOA: special.2010.02.04
This is the condition for really the lion's share of chemistry, biology, and other kinds of changes we'll be concerned with.
Sometimes we have a very electronegative atom that's going to take more of its equal share of electron density.