sharp corporation of japan
美国ITC最终确定下述企业作为强制应诉方:(1)日本夏普公司(Sharp Corporation of Japan);(2)美国夏普电子公司(Sharp Electronics Corporation of Mahwah, NJ);以及(3)美国夏普电子制造公司(Sharp Electronics...
sharp corporation of japan
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
About Sharp Electronics Corporation: Sharp Electronics Corporation is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Sharp Corporation, a worldwide developer of one-of-a-kind home entertainment products, appliances, networked multifunctional office solutions, solar energy solutions, LED lighting and mobile communication and information tools.
ENGADGET: Sharp AQUOS Ultra HD, 1080p HDTVs eyes-on HD
Sharp Electronics Corporation is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Sharp Corporation, a worldwide developer of one-of-a-kind home entertainment products, appliances, networked multifunctional office solutions, solar energy solutions, LED lighting and mobile communication and information tools.
ENGADGET: Sharp announces new 6-, 7- and 8-Series AQUOS LED TVs as part of 2013 lineup (update: pricing info)