...击,射杀了许多英军高级军官,多次以极小的代价换得极大的胜利于是,人们将射击精准又冷静沉稳的射手称为夏普射手(Sharp Shooter)在训练及作战中,夏普射手由于要长时间贴腮瞄准,所以常常头戴类似于今天特种部队戴的面罩以保证其专心一意.
Shooter OST 生死狙击 ; 专辑生死狙击 ; 生死狙击生死狙击 Sharp Shooter 神枪手 ; 夏普射手 ; 狙击手 ; 称为夏普弓手 Christmas Shooter 圣诞节雪枪之战 ; 耶诞节雪枪战 ; 圣诞老人射击 ; 圣诞节雪枪战 ..
Shooter OST 生死狙击 ; 专辑生死狙击 ; 生死狙击生死狙击 Sharp Shooter 神枪手 ; 夏普射手 ; 狙击手 ; 称为夏普弓手 Christmas Shooter 圣诞节雪枪之战 ; 耶诞节雪枪战 ; 圣诞老人射击 ; 圣诞节雪枪战 ..
sharp-shooter 狙击手
a sharp shooter 狙击兵
Dark sharp-shooter 黑暗狙击手
Freeway sharp-shooter 高速公路狙击手
Armor sharp-shooter 装甲狙击手
Tribal sharp-shooter 部落狙击手
Corpse sharp-shooter 僵尸狙击手
Jungly sharp-shooter 丛林狙击手
Harbour sharp-shooter 海港狙击手
同义词: marksman crack shot
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A sharpshooter is a person who can fire a gun very accurately. 神枪手 [美国英语]
But head coach Robert Donewald Jr will be missing an important part of his squad as sharp shooter Wang Shipeng is out because of an injury to his right arm.
Lottery pick and well-regarded sharp-shooter Stephen Curry has had a hard time living up to his reputation thus far in the pre-season.
The answer is the sharp-shooter is catching firebuy in mosquito net with a little amah ! ! !