彼得凭03年的《玻璃真相》(Shattered Glass)的出色表现,先后荣获多个电影颁奖礼的最佳男配角,并获提名金球奖及独立精神电影颁奖礼最佳男配角,可谓其电影事业上一大突破。
Like shattered glass 如碎玻璃 ; 就像碎玻璃
Broken Eggs and Shattered Glass 塞翁失马
Is broken like shattered glass 已经像玻璃支离破碎
Shattered glass cover 击碎玻璃罩
Rose Shattered Glass 玻璃碎片玫瑰拼布壁挂
It is a shattered glass 这是一个被打碎的玻璃
This is a shattered glass 这是一个被打碎的玻璃
Shattered Glass Drift 镜像世界漂移
Shattered Glass Mirror Verse 玻璃渣镜像宇宙
以上来源于: WordNet
TV pictures showed shattered glass, blood stains and abandoned luggage inside the bus.
Right after an extra is thrown through a window, the shattered glass magically repairs itself.
The water in a group of Lakes reflexed the sunlight, looking like shattered glass on the ground.