shear stress [力] 剪应力 ; [力] 剪切应力 ; 切应力 ; [力] 切变应力
maximum shear stress [力] 最大剪应力 ; 最大切应力 ; 最大剪切应力
Resolved Shear Stress 分解切应力 ; 切应力
fluid shear stress 流体剪切力 ; 流体剪切应力 ; 流体切应力 ; 切应力
octahedral shear stress [力] 八面体剪应力
ultimate shear stress 极限剪应力 ; 极限剪切应力 ; 最大剪应力 ; 极限抗剪应力
Shear stress at wall 型腔壁处的剪切应力 ; 剪切应力 ; 壁上的剪切应力
shear stress tensor 剪切应力张量
yield shear stress 屈服剪应力
shear stress line 剪应力线
The clearance sites had influence not on the peak values of shear stress, peel stress and equivalent stress, but on the occurrence point of those items.
The shear stress sharply rises at the ends of the piezoelectric as the shear modulus increasing or the thickness decreasing.
A central mechanism establishing the relation between shear stress and atherosclerosis is the control of gene expression by wall shear stress.