shearing stress [力] 剪应力 ; [力] 切应力 ; 切变应力
eddy shearing stress [气象] 涡动切应力 ; 涡流切应力
simple shearing stress 简单切应力
viscous shearing stress 粘性切应力
law of shearing stress 切应力定律
wall shearing stress 壁剪应力
theorem of conjugate shearing stress 切应力互等定理 ; 剪应力互等定理
Based on the calculation and analysis, the abac for shearing stress calculation in the range of normal parameter is obtained.
Experimental results show the effect of shearing stress on paste flowability depends on the molecular composition and structure, and the interaction between the macromolecules, of the paste.
This fracture usually results from the joint effects of axial compression, and rotating or shearing stress.