钣金 前 言 本手册讲述了新洲三维零件设计中关于钣金设计(Sheet Metal Design)的内容。如果您已经对新洲三维的零件设计有所了解,您可以立即开始阅读本书,如果您还不甚了解,可以先阅读用户手册的零件基础部...
钣金件设计( 钣金件设计(Sheet Metal Design) ) 钣金制造( 钣金制造( Sheet Metal Fabrication) ) 钣金件排样( 钣金件排样( Sheet Metal Nesting) ) 高级钣金设计(...
2、 内容: 利用 UG 的钣金零件设计模块(Sheet Metal Design),完成某钣金 零件的三维设计。 完成所设计零件的冲压工艺性分析,按需对所设计零件进行优化及 改进。
只需一步,快速开始 ... * Part Design (零件设计) * Sheetmetal Design (板金设计) * Mold Design (模具设计) ...
ASLAerospace sheet metal Design 航空钣金设计
Sheet Metal Design Process 钣金设计过程
Comparing Sheet Metal Design Methods 比较钣金设计方法
Aerospace Sheet Metal Design 航空钣金设计
generative sheet metal design 创成式钣金设计 ; 钣金设计 ; 金设计
Fundamentals of Sheet Metal Design 钣金设计培训课程
Advanced Sheet Metal Design 高级钣金设计
sheet metal Design Tools 钣金设计工具
Casting & Sheet metal design 铸件与钣金设计
The design of drawing process for automobile panel is called as design "black box"in sheet metal forming domain, while the die-face design of drawing die is the key part.
Based on this HBCR, the shape features are extracted from solid model for sheet metal punching part to realize the "feature-based" modeling design.
By an investigation to the system design on sheet metal unfolding, the running mode of ASP and the relative theory of distributed collaborative design are studied.