贝类中毒(shellfish poisoning):指误食有毒贝类引起的中毒症。毒素与食物链有关,由藻类产生毒素后,贝类摄食有毒藻类(dinoflagellates),毒素可与寄主共存,人...
... shellfish poison 蛤毒素, 海藻毒素,... shellfish poisoning 蛤贝中毒 paralytic shellfish poisoning 麻痹性贝类中毒...
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning 麻痹性贝毒 ; 麻痹性贝类毒素 ; 中毒 ; 麻痹性贝毒素
Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning 腹泻性贝毒 ; 腹泻性贝毒素 ; 种腹泻性贝毒 ; 为了研究腹泻性贝毒
Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning 神经性贝毒 ; 神经性贝类毒素 ; 产生神经性贝毒 ; 毒中毒
Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning 性贝毒 ; 失忆性贝类中毒 ; 失性贝毒
callistin shellfish poisoning 仙女蛤中毒
fish and shellfish poisoning 鱼贝中毒
Paralytie Shellfish Poisoning 麻痹性贝毒
ciguatera shellfish poisoning 产生西加鱼毒素
FDA begins administering Sanitation Programs for milk, shellfish, food service, and interstate travel facilities, and for preventing poisoning and accidents.
Also, as much as 10% of raw shellfish, while appearing perfectly fresh, are infected with organisms that can cause hepatitis, salmonella poisoning or cholera.
British Royals are apparently never served shellfish because of the fear of food poisoning.