右移 move to right; right shift; shift right; shift to the right 光标 cursor (显示器用)◇光标存储器 cursor memory; 光标地址 cursor address; 光标寄存器 cursor register; 光标控制 curso...
Conservative commentators hail an apparent shift to the right.
Take one large step to the right side, allowing your body weight to shift to the right foot as it makes contact with the floor.
Brain CT showed the left frontal temporal, parietal, a large low-density lesions, smaller left ventricle pressure, midline shift to the right.
Some scholars refer to Deuteronomy as a kind of counter treaty, if you will, right? A subversive document that's trying to shift the people's loyalty from the Assyrian overlord to God, the true sovereign, and it's part of a national movement.