造价高达65,586英镑,由于资金短缺1634年查理一世不经过国会开始征收造船钱(ship money),结果遭到国会和各地商人乡绅的抵制和声讨。1642年英国爆发内战,建造海上君王号也被人认为是激化王权与议会矛盾的祸首之一。
...,1600-1649)是被英国议会处决的:国王与议会发生了战争,战争起因之一是查理一世不经过议会同意,直接征集造船税(Ship money),甚至和平时期也征集这个税,建立了世界最强大的海军,三次打败了荷兰。
Must be money to ship 必须钱到了才出货
以上来源于: WordNet
N a tax levied to finance the fitting out of warships: abolished 1640 造船费(用来为装配战舰筹集经费的税收,于1640年被废除) [English history]
We certainly take a lot of your money. But we ship money back to you.
to declare the collection of non-parliamentary taxation, such as ship money, illegal
须申报未经国会同意税收所得 如船费等非法收入
Many people were outraged by what they regarded as his non-parliamentary use of medieval laws to raise money. The most notorious was ship money.
很多人不满 他们视查理排斥国会 采用中世纪法律来敛财.最臭名远播的是船费.转变自中世纪法律 本来是沿岸各县为皇室供应船 转而向所有县还有岛屿徵收税款.
We say two of these trials will come for real, so if you buy the products, you pay us, we will ship the product to you, otherwise you keep the money.