shock wave [力] 冲击波 ; 震波 ; 空气冲击波
oblique shock wave 斜震波 ; 斜冲击波 ; 斜冲花
normal shock wave [地震] 正激波 ; 正冲波
attached shock wave 附体激波
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 体外冲击波碎石术 ; 体外冲击波碎石 ; 治疗体外冲击波碎石 ; 体外震波碎石
Extracorporeal shock wave 体外冲击波
tail shock wave [流] [航] 尾激波 ; 尾部激波
detached shock wave [流] 离体激波
hugoniot shock wave data hugoniot冲击压缩
A shock wave shoots through your whole system.
The shock wave forms a cone of pressurized air molecules which move outward and rearward in all directions and extend to the ground.
Thunder, the shock wave that comes from a lightning flash, is thought to be the trigger for the torrential rain that is typical of storms.