Shop Floor System 管理系统
Shop Floor Control System 和现场自动化系统 ; 车间层控制系统 ; 系统 ; 车间控制系统
Shop Floor Integrated System 现场信息整合系统 ; 整合系统 ; 厂区信息整合系统
Shop Floor Conirol System 车间现场控制系统
shop floor management information system 车间管理信息系统 ; 车间制造管理信息系统 ; 理信息系统
Shop Floor Information System 公司拥有先进的厂区资讯整合系统
Shop Floor Management System 车间级管理系统
ECR shop floor visual system 工程变更现场管理看板
With this system, the machinist is in control of his or her own productivity on the shop floor.
The realized MMS communication system can provide a general communication platform for manufacturing devices, which will help to solve the problems of message integration of devices in shop floor.
The main functions of the system include: acquisition of daily production plan, management of shop floor manufacturing resources;
车间生产监控调度系统的主要功能有:从计划层获取日生产计划; 对生产车间资源的管理;