short change hero 缓慢复仇 ; 首只背景音乐分享 ; 如果您喜欢
Short change 欺骗
short time change 短期变动
Change in Short Interest 未补抛空差额变化
short-term change detection 快速变化
short-term change 短时变化
short-time change [劳经] 短期变动
short-term rapid change 短期快速变化
V-T If someone short-changes you, they do not give you enough change after you have bought something from them. 少找零钱给…
The cashier made a mistake and short-changed him.
V-T If you are short-changed, you are treated unfairly or dishonestly, often because you are given less of something than you deserve. 亏待 [usu passive]
Women are in fact still being short-changed in the press.
Most people in today's fast-paced world think that they can short-change the energy recovery process.
Mothers and single women, in particular, short-change their contributions around the house, it said.
Only during the short lag between onset of global temperature change and sea level response can warm-adapted species migrate from the equator toward higher latitudes.