Shoulder girdle 肩带 ; 肩胛带 ; [解剖] 上肢带骨 ; 胸带
joints of shoulder girdle 上肢带骨的连结 ; [解剖] 上肢带连结
Shoulder Girdle and Thorax 肩胛带和胸廓
shoulder girdle syndrome 肩胛带综合征
of shoulder girdle 肩胛带肌群瘫痪
Shoulder Girdle Stabilizers 稳固肩胛的肌肉群
muscles of shoulder girdle 肩带肌
shoulder girdle compression syndrome 释义肩胛带压迫综合征 ; 肩胛带压迫综合征
shoulder girdle dystocia 释义肩带难产 ; 肩带难产
To systematically study the spine, shoulder straps, all the osseous pelvic girdle.
The appendicular skeleton consists of bones of the shoulder girdle and upper extremity and bones of the pelvic girdle and lower extremity.
Objective To discuss the classification, resection and reconstruction after removal of malignant tumors of shoulder girdle.