Shutter Priority 快门优先 ; 快门先决 ; 快门优先模式 ; 快门先决模式
aperture- and shutter-priority 快门优先
shutter-priority mode 速度优先式
shutter-priority auto detail 快门先决
S Shutter Priority 快门速度优先自动曝光
Shutter speed priority 快门速度优先
Shutter priority AE 快门优先
Shutter Priority Mode 快门优先模式
以上来源于: WordNet
N an automatic exposure system in which the photographer selects the shutter speed and the camera then automatically sets the correct aperture 快门优先; 自动曝光系统,摄影师选择好快门速度,然后相机自动设置正确的片门 [photog] → compare aperture priority
If you are shooting fast-moving objects, please check the shutter speed and switch to shutter-priority mode if necessary.
Using shutter priority mode, you can make your camera do some of this work for you.
You change the shutter speed in shutter priority mode the same way as you did in manual mode: Rotate the command dial and look for the changing Numbers in the LCD status screen.