疾病补助(Sickness Benefit), 申请人条件: 拿PR后, 曾经在纽西兰连续居住满两年的人士, 身体上患有疾病(其中包括怀孕27周或以上),并因此疾病而影响到工作能力...
... 生病补助费: sickness benefit 残废补助费: disability allowances 临时补助费: temporary subsidy ...
Sickness benefit in cash 老年养恤金
Injury and sickness benefit 伤病给付
earnings-related unemployment and sickness benefit 与工薪有关的失业和疾病津贴
sickness s benefit 疾病补助费
同义词: sick benefit
以上来源于: WordNet
N (formerly, in the British National Insurance scheme) a weekly payment made to a person who had been off work through illness for more than three days and less than six months; replaced by incapacity benefit in 1995 疾病津贴
The sickness benefit pays monthly.
If you draw sickness benefit, rehabilitation benefit, activity compensation or in time limited sickness compensation and are not employed, you can have the right to pay a lower membership fee.
How to divide insect is benefit or sickness to human being?