在二次大战时期曾为德军所侵入,在列宁格勒围城战(Siege of Leningrad)中被破坏的相当严重,使得本场曾一度在1941年到1944年间无法起降任何飞机。
The Siege of Leningrad was one of the longest, most destructive, and most lethal sieges of major cities in modern history.
The German Siege of Leningrad caused widespread starvation among citizens, and lack of medical supplies and facilities made illnesses and injuries far more deadly.
During the terrible siege of Leningrad in World War II, for example, emaciated citizens, having eaten all the birds, dogs and rats in the city, finally resorted to feasting on their own kind.
But, it ceased being funny, and it was nothing like the siege of Leningrad where something like a million people died in World War Two of starvation; but, there were all sorts of little caskets being dragged along to what passed then for mortuaries.