sight credit 即期信用证 ; 即期信用状
deferred sight credit 延期照票信用证 ; 迟付即期信用状
sight letter of credit 即期信用证 ; 即期信用状 ; 见票即付的信用证 ; 即期诺言证
sight payment credit 即期付款信用证 ; 信用证
usance credit payment at sight 假远期声誉证 ; 假
Irrevocable Sight Credit 不可撤消即期信用证
letter of sight credit 即期信用证
Usance Credit Payable at Sight 假远期信用证 ; 假远期
Letter of credit at sight 即付信用证 ; [金融] 即期信用证
For Strauss, living on credit, desperate to work, but with no job in sight, that dream looks a thing of the past, not the future.
Is the credit at sight or after sight?
So he put himself, he said, "as much as I could out of sight" and gave credit for the idea to his friends.