心理学英语词汇第731页 ... significancelogic意义逻辑 significanceofdifference差异显著性 significanceofvariations变异的显著性变?的显著性 ...
极显著的英文 ... 差别显著 difference with significance 差数显著性 significance of difference 差异不显著 difference with no significance ...
testing significance of difference 检验差异显着性
level of significance of difference 差异显着平准
non-significance of difference 差异无显着性
high significance of difference 差异高度显着性
test of significance of difference 差异显着性测验
significance test of difference 差异显着性检验
significance level of difference 差异显着水平
significance analysis of difference 进行差异显着性分析
There are no significance of difference of asphyxia rate between first delivery and second delivery of the twins.
According to the grade similarity and significance of difference of the productivity, we make cot the planting district of Picea Kdreainsis, and give out the hydro-thermal index.
The results showed that the concentration of Zn, Fe and Ni of the case group were all lower than that of the control group. that of Zn has specially significance of difference (P<0 01).
Now one other thing that Hirsch says, the other thing that I quoted, is in effect ] -I'll paraphrase now-- that what Gadamer omits to realize is that there is a difference between the meaning of a text and the significance of a text.
So what I want to point out when you're kind of looking at these numbers here, what the significance is, look at that huge difference between what the ionization energies are for what we call those valence electrons, -- those outer shell electrons, those are core electrons there.