silicic acid [无化] 硅酸 ; 含水二氧化硅 ; 偏硅酸 ; 硅酸钾
Silicic acid hydrate 水合硅酸 ; 硅酸
hydrosol of silicic acid 硅酸水溶胶
silicic acid aluminium firefibre 硅酸铝耐火纤维
Silicic acid aluminum salt 蓝晶石 ; 硅线石 ; 富铝红柱石
The process involves taking titanium dioxide and treating it with silica, silicone grease or silicic acid for a few minutes.
With further hydrolysis in the body tissues, silicic acid could be formed.
The paper studies sand consolidation act of alkaline silicic acid gel and discusses the mechanism of alkaline silicic acid gel used for sand control and contrasts with acidity silicic acid gel.