... 今天,终于出现了一线希望 today ,there is cause for hope 一线希望(或安慰) silver linings 隧道末端的光(一线希望) light at the end of the tunnel ...
劳伦斯并没有让我们等待太久,2013年,她凭借《乌云背后的幸福线》(Silver Linings Playbook)获得第85届奥斯卡最佳女主角,用手中的小金人向观众展示了一个愈发成熟的新生代影后。
Silver Linings Playbook 乌云背后的幸福线 ; 失恋自作业 ; 背后的幸福线
The Silver Linings Playbook 乌云背后的幸福线
Black Clouds & Silver Linings 唱片名
Clouds and Silver Linings 云与曙光 ; 专辑名称
Silver Linings Playorder 派特的幸运剧本
The Silver Linings Pl 派特的幸福剧本
in Silver Linings Playbook 乌云背后的幸福线
Silver Linings of Playbook 派特的幸福剧本
for Silver Linings Playbook 派特的幸福剧本
PHRASE If you say that every cloud has a silver lining, you mean that every sad or unpleasant situation has a positive side to it. (黑暗中的)一线光明
As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.
N-SING If you talk about a silver lining, you are talking about something positive that comes out of a sad or unpleasant situation. (不幸或不快中的)一线希望
The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.