simple leaf Shrub Chastetree Fruit 蔓荆子
simple-leaf shrub chaste tree 图考
simple leaf water use efficiency 单叶水分利用效率
simple pinnate leaf 一回羽状复叶
simple compound leaf 一回羽状复叶
simple palm ately compound leaf 一回掌状复叶
simple pinnate compound leaf 单出羽状复叶
Many plants follow simple recursive formulas in generating their branching shapes and leaf patterns.
Although the concept of tea is simple—dry leaf infused in hot water—the manufacture of it is not intuitive at all.
尽管茶拿来喝很简单,把干茶叶泡在热水里就行了。 但茶叶的制作方法可不是用猜就行的。
As flawed as it may be, at least a simple mpg equivalent figureon the window of a Leaf or a Volt would let consumers quickly see how much theymight save by going electric.