... simply supported beam 简单支撑梁; 简支梁 simply-supported beam 简支梁 air-su orted herical gyroscope 空气支承球形转子陀螺仪 ...
simply supported beam [力] 简支梁
simply supported beam model 简支梁模型
fork-shape simply supported beam 叉形简支梁
simply supported beam west bank 简支梁
The simply-supported beam is predigested as a 3DOF system. The mass matrix and stiffness matrix are solved, and the expression of the damping matrix is derived, and then the differential equation and state space equation are set up;2.
参考来源 - 基于IMSC的简支梁振动的主动控制技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Traditional methods treat each span segment as a simply-supported beam or clamped-clamped beam in practice.
An optimum algorithm is proposed to solve the geometrically nonlinear problem for a simply-supported beam with large deformation.
It is proved that the method is correct by comparing with the theoretical results of a simply-supported beam with random mass density and section diameter.