... 电力系统分析 电力系统分析 有载调压分接头 三相绕组 三相绕组首端 电力系统分析 二、三相、 单相变压器 ( single-phase transformer )的连接: 1、变压器的联结组:三相变压器高、低压绕组对应的线电动势之 间的相位差,通常用时钟法来表示,称为变压器的联结组。
single-phase to three-phase power converter ==> 単相-三相电力変换器 single-phase transformer ==> 単相変圧器 single-phase two-speed motor ==> 单相双速电动机 ..
two-legged single phase transformer 双柱式单相变压器
single phase transformer 单相变压器
single phase transformer set 单相变压器组
single phase transformer group 单相变压器组
small single-phase transformer 小型单相变压器
core-type single-phase transformer 芯式单相变压器
Single-phase auto-transformer 单相自耦变压器
The primary of a single-phase transformer is connected to one phase of the three-phase system.
The power supply device is mainly in a structure of a three-phase to single-phase transformer and is additionally provided with a power compensation element.
In this paper, Volterra series analysis is applied to investigate the harmonics in a circuit containing single-phase transformer with nonlinear characteristics.