single conductor cable 单芯电缆 ; 单芯导电缆
single conductor earth system 单线接地系统
equivalent single conductor 等值单根导线
single conductor power cable 单导线动力电缆
single-conductor 单芯电缆
In the conductor layer formation step, a single conductor layer including first and second measurement points is formed on a substrate.
A coaxial cable consists of a single conductor surrounded by a shield (Figure 2-54a), while a triaxial cable adds a second shield around the first (Figure 2-54b).
同轴电缆由屏蔽包围的单芯导体组成(图2 - 54a),而三同轴电缆在第一层屏蔽之外又加入了第二层屏蔽(图2 - 54b)。
We work with a completely new transistor concept, in which a carbon nanotube or a single organic molecule takes the place of the traditional semi-conductor transistor.
在这里碳纳米管或者单有机分子替代了传统的半导体晶体管。 我们发现新的晶体管能用做一个磁性存储器。