末路狂奔三部曲(Pusher Trilogy) 嫂子 ( Sisters in Law ) 斯科特·沃克(Scott Walker: 30 Century Man) ..
... 法网姐妹 Sisters in Law 导演: Florence Ayisi Kim Longinotto 演员: Vera Ngassa Beatrice Ntuba ...
sisters-in-law 嫂子 ; 兄媳 ; 弟媳 ; 嫂子们
Love between sisters-in-law 姑嫂情深
Two sisters-in-law 姑缘嫂劫
New tragic sisters-in-law 新姑缘嫂劫 ; 新姑缘嫂刼
Sisters-in-law ruin 妯娌遗址
The members of an extended family are related by blood (grandparent, parents, children, brothers, sisters, etc.) or by marriage (husbands, wives, mothers-in-law, etc).
Our harvest crew includes my two brothers, my dad, mom, wife, sisters-in-law, son-in-law, daughter, and three nephews.
All nine mothers of the sickly infant girls say they want sons - to look after them when they get old, because their sisters-in-law have more sons, because their mothers-in-law demand male children.