梵蒂冈博物馆总面积5.5万平方米,有六公里的展示空间,著名的西斯廷教堂(Sistine Chapel)是欧洲享有盛名的艺术殿堂。以下介绍几个精彩的展馆,以便游览时作为参考。
西斯廷礼拜堂(sistine chapel)是梵蒂冈的教皇礼拜堂,如今这里仍然是选举教皇的地方。礼拜堂建于1480年,原为教皇个人的祈祷场所,长40米,宽14米,堂内没有立...
The Sistine Chapel 西斯廷教堂 ; 西斯汀教堂 ; 西斯汀礼拜堂 ; 西斯汀小教堂
the Sistine Chapel in Rome 可对于罗马西斯廷教堂
the sistine chapel ceiling 绘西斯廷教堂天顶画
Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel 梵蒂冈博物馆 ; 梵蒂冈博物馆和西斯廷教堂
Into The Sistine Chapel 西斯廷教堂
Called The Sistine Chapel 名为西斯廷教堂
以上来源于: WordNet
N the chapel of the pope in the Vatican at Rome, built for Sixtus IV and decorated with frescoes by Michelangelo and others 西斯廷教堂; 位于罗马梵蒂冈,装饰有米开朗基罗及其他艺术家的壁画
The Sistine Chapel ceiling painted by Michelangelo.
They'd nearly all prefer the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to a blank canvas.
You're not supposed to copy this piece because it's supposed to be only performed in the Sistine Chapel.
Almost twenty-five years later, Pope Paul the Third asked Michelangelo to paint the wall of the Sistine Chapel above the altar.
VOA: special.2010.02.03
You're not supposed to copy this piece because it's supposed to be only performed in the Sistine Chapel.
Another famous story: In 1770, he goes in to Rome, into the Sistine Chapel.