... siren n.塞壬一群女海妖之一,用她们美妙的歌声船只上的海员,从而使船只在岛屿周围触礁沉没 sitting-room n.起居室 situate vt. 使位于,使处于 ...
... again I would spend them with you » 如果的话可以让愿望成真,我会节省每天像块宝,我会再与您共度 sitting-room » 客厅里 alimama customer are motherly love, » 客户是alimama母爱, ..
bed-sitting-room 两用房间 ; 卧室兼起居室
The Bed Sitting Room 坐卧两用室 ; 光荣战役 ; 影片原名
a large sitting-room 一个大客厅 ; 一间大的客厅 ; 大客厅 ; 一个大的客厅
in the sitting-room 在客厅里 ; 在客厅 ; 在起居室里
Green Sitting Room Escape 逃出绿色起居室 ; 逃出绿色现代客厅
sitting room elevators 客厅主要立面图
in their sitting-room 在他们的客厅里 ; 在他们的客厅
同义词: living room living-room sitting room front room parlor parlour
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A sitting room is a room in a house where people sit and relax. 起居室 [老式]
We need to decorate the sitting room.
The sitting room needs decorating.
Could you dust the sitting room?
Last time we taught this class, we did a survey to find out what type of people were sitting in this room-- they are just like yourselves-- and find out why you'll be taking this class.
Here is one case. We have job searches and sometimes job-- senior job searches involve the faculty sitting in--around in a room and tossing out names and we use these names as a basis for further discussion.
Or one of my favorite examples, you could be sitting in your-- you read this sort of thing in the newspaper periodically-- you could be sitting in your living room when suddenly an airplane crashes into your house, killing you.