This structure has the useful property that if you allocate space for (sizeof(struct header) + 10) bytes, you can treat data as being an array of 10 bytes.
这种结构体的有用之处在于,如果您分配 (sizeof(struct header) + 10) 字节的空间,您可以像处理一个 10 字节的数组一样来处理数据。
The only thing we have to do to free memory is to take the pointer we're given, back up sizeof (struct mem_control_block) bytes, and mark it as available. Here is the code for that.
为了释放内存,我们必须要做的惟一一件事情就是,获得我们给出的指针,回退size of (struct mem_control_block)个字节,并将其标记为可用的。