..., 但是在受到道路规划的影响, 在高速路上斜梁桥的运用很广泛。[gap=4131]Keywords: Bridge Construction; Skew Girder Bridge; Skew Angle; Span; Load Transverse Distribution 作者简介: 张显昆(1984-), 男, 硕士, 研究方向: ..
As development of the internal high-class road and city communication. Application of skew girder bridge improving in the design of city line in the last few years.
参考来源 - 简支转连续斜梁桥静力性能分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The mechanical properties of a skew girder bridge differ a great deal from those of an orthogonal girder bridge.
This paper deeply studies the problem of transverse stiffness of skew girder bridge which has been argued for a long time.
This paper primarily aims at the deficiency of conventional computation method of skew girder Bridges, calculates and analyses skew girder bridge based on integrated finite element method.