...(一) 最终产品生产部门 最终产品部门雇佣无技术劳动力和中间物品来生产最终产品,其生产函数对于无 技术劳动力(unskilled labor)和中间物品满足常数规模报酬,其中无技术劳动力数量M 是常数。
all-round skilled labor 多能熟练工
de-skilled labor 劳动者的去除技术化
Semi-skilled labor 半技术工
round skilled labor 多能熟练工
Low-skilled labor 低技能劳动力
Skilled Labor Theory 劳动熟练说
skilled labor-intensiveness of export products 出口商品的熟练劳动密集程度
pool of skilled labor 熟练劳工储存库
all round skilled labor 多能熟练工
With the low-skilled labor market atomized into thousands of microeconomics, immobile workers are less able to demand better wages or conditions or to acquire valuable skills.
And with the low-skilled labor market atomized into thousands of microeconomics, immobile workers are less able to demand better wages or conditions or to acquire valuable skills.
The manufacture of wooden soldiers and trains requires two types of skilled labor: carpentry and finishing.