Isle of Skye 斯凯岛 ; 天空岛 ; 苏格兰的天涯海角 ; 斯开岛
the Isle of Skye 斯凯岛 ; 斯开岛 ; 天空岛
Isle of Skye Region 度假屋位于斯凯岛地区
Isle of Skye Candle 天空岛的芬芳
Loch Coruisk on the Isle of Skye, in Scotland, which can only be reached by boat or by foot, completed the top 10.
During a tour of the Talisker distillery on the Isle of Skye, he suggested I taste a few and, to my surprise, I found that I actually liked one, the 1993 distiller's Edition.
We drive to Scotland Highland and the Beautiful Isle of Skye.
我们自己开车游览了英国最美的苏格兰高地, 美丽的SKYE岛。