sleeper hold&Body scissors 窒息固定 ; 梗塞固定 ; 窒息巩固
step-over sleeper hold 横越式梗塞固定 ; 横越式窒息巩固 ; 横越式窒息固定
over sleeper hold 横越式窒息固定
step-over r sleeper hold 横越式窒息固定
Hypoxic seizures were witnessed in 55% of videos, but occurred in 88% of videos that employed the "sleeper hold" technique.
People can lay their heads on the cushion on the upper part of the sleeper, while the other cushion can hold their bodies in a comfortable position.
During rail laying, the loop part of the U-shaped bent loop is knocked bent to hold down the foot of the rail and in this way, the sleeper and the rail are connected together.