... 干燥设备 desiccating apparatus; drying apparatus; drying equipment; drying euipment; drying installation; drying machinery; drying plant; drying unit 滑板式真空泵 sliding vane vacuum pump; sliding-vane vacuum pump 蚕茧真空干燥 vacuum drying of cocoon ...
sliding vane vacuum pump 滑片真空泵 ; 滑片抽气机
sliding vane vacuum pump coupling 滑片真空泵联轴器
oil-sealed sliding vane vacuum pump 油封式旋片真空泵
Three major oil unloading methods used in tank trains are introduced. They are vacuum system, sliding vane pump, and submersible pump unloading.
The oil sealed sliding vane vacuum pump is one of basic vacuum production equipments, wide application and more requirement.
As there were leak on contact place between shaft and rotor body in built up hollow rotor, dropping discharg gas speed of pump and efficiency applied of oil sealed sliding vane rotary vacuum pump.