Love keep slipping away 爱在慢慢溜走 ; 爱已悄悄溜走 ; 爱在慢慢的溜走
The past is slipping away 过去的日子渐去渐远 ; 过去的日子一去不复返 ; 从前的日子渐去渐远
These words keep slipping away 这些话就是说不出口
Slowly slipping away clothes 在把衣服慢慢滑落掉
And you're slipping away 你已决定离开
gradually slipping away and fading 看着我们所有的好品质最终都失去和消亡
the good opportunity slipping away 错失良机的猎豹
slowly slipping away 缓缓逝去
A survey found an overwhelming pessimism about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is "slipping away".
She knew that time was slipping away.
Once again childhood is slipping away.