small bean bug 豆突眼长蝽
white small bean 白小豆
mixed small bean [作物] 杂小豆
Small Red Bean 赤小豆
small lima bean 小菜豆
small green bean [作物] 绿小豆
small broad bean 小粒蚕豆
Small white bean 小雪豆
Tofu is cut into small cubes and eaten in bean paste soup.
Wait until the third evening, when I went to see a small Yaer into a small bean, is a two Baner, the color becomes dark green.
A managed bean can also rely on a small number of container-provided services, mostly related to lifecycle management and resource injection.
Managed Bean还可以使用容器提供的一些服务,这些服务大多与生命周期管理和资源注入有关。