Rich Snippets 丰富网页摘要 ; 网页摘要 ; 富文本 ; 网页择要
code snippets 代码片段 ; 代码段 ; 代码片断
csharp snippets 代码段
Implement Rich Snippets 实现富文本
Code Snippets Manager 代码段管理器
Mid-Autumn snippets 中秋见闻
Structured Snippets 结果结构化分段信息
N-COUNT A snippet of something is a small piece of it. 片段
...snippets of popular classical music.
Have you got any interesting snippets for me?
Two snippets of DNA are involved.
That content comes in the form of snippets.
So when later on we're dealing with symphonies and things like that you may be sketching little motivic snippets, little rhythmic snippets, that you'll file away.
I taught I'd demo just a couple little snippets with this.
Some of these books which we think are roughly from a certain date, they will contain narrative snippets or legal materials or oral traditions that may even date back or stretch back further in time, and they were perhaps transmitted orally and then ended up in these written forms.