上述统计数字均来自《SNL金融杂志》(SNL Financial)。该杂志在进行统计时,并未将再保险金额列入统计范围,所以之前提及的统计数字主要针对财产损失和人员意外伤亡事件,为更大规模...
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Bank of America was a lead lender to the REIT in 26 of the 39 stock offerings it led, according to analysis of data provided by Dealogic and SNL Financial.
Dealogic和SNL Financial提供的数据分析显示,在39起美国银行牵头的发股交易中,美国银行是其中26家REIT的主要贷款方。
U.S. banks and thrifts shut 2, 267 branches in 2012, according to SNL Financial, a Charlottesville, Va.
WSJ: After Years of Growth, Banks Are Pruning Their Branches
More than a dozen trust companies were swallowed by bigger institutions last year, according to SNL Financial.
WSJ: A Family Loses Its Faith in Trust
According to SNL Financial, 35, 36, and 7 REITs cut or suspended their dividends in 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively.
FORBES: REITs That Won't Kill You, Will Make You Stronger