snow line 雪线 ; 山雪
climatic snow line [气候] 气候雪线
orographic snow line 地形雪线 ; 地形性雪线
snow-line 雪线
local snow line 地方的雪线
inner snow line 内边线
theoretical snow line 故又称理论雪线
Lhasa in snow line 拉萨雪顿行
Some plants can even survive in favorable microhabitats above the snow line.
And we drove a rented car up the highway to the sun, where we watched marmosets scramble around above the snow line, then spent a few days at Kootenai Lodge on Swan Lake.
What's more, the weather had now taken a filthy turn for the worst. Already above the snow line, a series of hail storm showers were stinging my face.