I Love The Way You Shake Your Thing Especially 特别是我喜欢看你身体抖动起来的样子 So Get On The Floor 踏入舞池 And Dance With Me 与我共舞 ..
Spread some clean towels, newspapers, or sheets on a bed, sofa, or the floor, and lie down to await help (unlock the door so help can get in easily).
One year, to get the study groups just-so, Ms. DeGraca laid out index CARDS with students' names and basic facts on her living room floor, mixing and matching until the groups seem balanced.
I was so excited to get a new phone, that I threw my old phone on the floor and stepped on it, while my parents watched in horror.
我好激动——我终于可以换个新手机了! 在我父母惊愕的眼神中,我把我的旧手机扔在地上踩了个粉碎。