... class income, ROC) 声望派(Reputationalist approach) 单项评价指数(Single-item indexes) 社会阶层体系(Social class system) 社会经济指数(Socioeconomic index, SEI) 社会等级(Societal rank) 社会地位综合水平(Status crystallization) 主观可任意支配收...
Life is great. It doesn't matter, in other words, that there's a class structure, that there's a social system.
"Add to the mix," the Time story continues, "a class structure that impedes social mobility and an education system that rewards the advantaged, and some children are bound to be left in the cold."
They mock and despise social conventions, class limitations and educational system which has helped to shape them, and determine not to act in the way 'they' might expect them to.