这一新机制代替就机制,或旧机制的修改过程,即是我题中所讲的社会演化(Social Evolution),请允许我使用这一颇有含糊的词语,因为在之一转变过程中,并非只是我所分析的社会机制在变化,其他一系列的东西也会变化,如社...
...社会进化;理性共生[gap=1131]KeyWords: plural intergrowth; interactive development; knowledge-oriented; social evolution; rational intergrowth...
Social Evolution社会演进 Spillover effect of competition on human optimization and social evolution竞争对人类优化与社会演进的溢出效应 ..
D、社会进化论(社会达尔文主义) 社会进化论(social evolution)在十九世纪中叶开始流行。 人类社会从简单的狩猎部落到庞大的工业化文明社会,是适者生 存的进化过程。
Foundations of Social Evolution 社会演化的基础
Stage theory of social evolution 社会演化阶段说
social evolution paradigm 社会进化范式
theory of social evolution 社会形态高级演化论
Institutional Change and Social Evolution 制度变迁与社会演进
the evolution of social customs 社会风俗的沿革
social history evolution 社会历史变迁
Finally, this paper analyzes the social evolution generated by the press andconstitutional monarchy. We think that the constitutional monarchy promoted bymedia drove the political change in the society, which objectively led to the end of theauthoritarian regime.
参考来源 - 报刊传媒与清末立宪思潮·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N the process of social development from an early simple type of social organization to one that is complex and highly specialized 社会进化 [sociol]
Levy, an anthropologist, first came to southern Jordan in 1997 to examine metallurgy's role in social evolution.
Dr. Chapais said that the new findings "validate and enrich" the model of human social evolution proposed in his book.
It's not a reach to say these extreme and prolonged climate activities could have affected the trajectory of social evolution.