...ehuibaozhanglunwencaishuilunwen/shehuibaozhanglunwenzhuantigongwen/shehuibaozhanglunwen社会保障税(Social Security tax)是用于筹集caishuilunwen/shehuibaozhanglunwencaishuilunwen/shehuibaozhanglunwenzhuantigongwen/shehuibaozhanglunwen社会保障...
1, 社会安全税(Social security tax)即中国的退休金帐户。每年从你收入的第一分钱开始,你就要上缴约6.2%的税,年收入超过约10万美金后不再缴纳。
...税:第一个是federal withholding tax, 这个就是你所得税, 在W-2的第二个格子里;W-2表的第四格是social security tax(社安税), 以6.2%的工资扣下;第六个格是medical tax (医疗税), 是工资的1.45% 扣下。这些就是你报的税。
Social security tax withhold 括除的社保税
Social Security payroll tax 社会安全薪资税 ; 社会安全所得税
Social Security income tax cap 社会安全税的课税所得上限
At one aspect of local tax construction, we should pay attention to the main tax sort, innovate the sales tax, business income tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, quicken our step to collect property tax and social security tax.
参考来源 - 地方税体系优化和增强地方财力途径的对策研究Nowadays,most countries take the social security tax collection as the main means of collecting social security fund. The social security tax is the fund needed to carry out the social security system.
参考来源 - 我国社会保障税法律制度研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In this paper, a deep analysis was made from five angles on the design of China's social security tax system based on the traditional four-principle rule.
So I suggest that social security tax should be levied from pooling it from enterprises to tax authorities and administrative means should be replaced by law ones.
The article analyzes the necessity and feasibility of collecting social security tax in China at current stage, and suggests some specific measures in this regard.